We offer more!
All information from a single source.
Real estate world explained
Our guide explains all relevant technical terms in clear, accessible language. This guide is highly recommended for anyone wanting to learn a bit more about the world of real estate. For more information, click HERE.
The right property price
Setting the right price is crucial when selling a property. If the asking price is too high, it may deter potential buyers; if it’s too low, you risk losing money. Find out more HERE.
Financing a property
Before purchasing a property, financing is key. This is where the crucial questions arise: What can I afford? Will the bank support me? What terms can I expect? Does it matter if I intend to live in the property or rent it out? Even after buying, financing remains a hot topic, as refinancing, switching banks, and follow-up financing can raise many questions. For answers to these questions, click HERE.
Renovating a property
From the initial brainstorming to the final inspection of the work, our guide shows you how to transform a property into a renovated gem. Discover key topics on how to effectively enhance your property HERE.
Property in the event of divorce
Save yourself nerves and time. Equip yourself with up-to-date expert knowledge to avoid the most common mistakes in a divorce battle. For comprehensive information, find more details HERE.
Inheritance of a property
Carefully compiled expert knowledge on inherited properties. What laws and deadlines must be observed? What are the most advantageous options for using an apartment or a house? You can find answers to these questions HERE.
Living in old age
Age waits for no one. What should happen to the property in old age? Sell it? Renovate for barrier-free living? Or opt for assisted living? Our compact guide answers these and many other questions. You can find more detailed information HERE.